Story Teller

Story Teller

I've been amazed at the phenomenal art of story telling. Our world is filled with stories. Fiction, Non-Fiction, Mythological, Inspirational, Spiritual, Adventurous, et all. Some of us like to read them. Some of us like to watch them as movies. But some of us love to hear them when told with expression and enthusiasm. I am one of them and in an effort to pass on the joy I received by listening to stories from my Great Grand Mother, I have started narrating the Mahabharata .


Actor | Director | Musician

If science is the vehicle that takes humanity to advancement, Art is the fuel. The artist in me has taken me to several areas. I've been an actor, director, cinematographer, and musician with varied levels of success. The journey has been and continues to be fascinating. Some of my work can be seen Here .



At 15, when I failed miserably in an English exam, I decided to write. Writing gave me a project. To complete the project I had to learn. The learning came from Reading and my grades improved. The objective was satisfied. The after effect grew in magnitude. I became a journalist and a short story writer. Some of my work can be read Here .

There is no greater truth than the Present
