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Mahabharata - For the 21st century Dad, Mom & Child

This series is a humble re-rendering of the Mahabharata in a classical story telling style, encapsulated into ten minute chapters for the modern, social media era.

MAHABHARATA Told by Sriram Raghavan

Mahabharata is one of the most engaging epics in history. Though there is ample material available, most of us don't have the time to read the epic. I am writing and reading this highly condensed series so that the people who enjoy the story can hear it once more and the new generation can hear it in a simple fashion the same way I did from my Great Grand Mother. Comments and Suggestions are welcome.

The Mahabharata Story Telling Series is coming soon to the IOS App Store. All Chapters will be fully downloabable.Stay Tuned

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Popular Chapters

This is an introduction to the Mahabharata Story Telling Series.
This Chapter describes how Bhagvan Vyasa wrote the Mahabharata. It also gives the listener, a synopsis of the epic.
King Shantanu falls in love with Godess Ganga and Devavrata is born.

Latest Chapters

Mahabharata Chapter 025
Mahabharata Chapter 026
Mahabharata Chapter 027